SPS is proud to be part of the CalMHSA movement!

Since 2011, the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) has led efforts in prevention and early intervention programs that change attitudes and behaviors towards mental illness and mental health. Its statewide social marketing campaign, Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement collaborates with community partners to raise mental health awareness, reduce stigma and prevent suicide through the programs Know the Signs, Walk In Our Shoes and Directing Change. Exposure to these initiatives has resulted in Californians reporting higher levels of mental health awareness and intervention efficacy.

The success of California’s mental health movement depends on the support from community partners across the state. Community-based organizations provide critical support in the creation and dissemination of mental health programs for California’s diverse communities. These partnerships have resulted in significant achievements that include:

  • 3.8 million Californians recognized the Each Mind Matters lime green awareness ribbon
  • 1.6 million people initiated a conversation about mental health after recognizing the lime green awareness ribbon
  • 15.4% more Californians exposed to Each Mind Matters turn to help for mental health challenges.

Through its innovative mental health prevention and early intervention programs, CalMHSA and its community partners are leading the conversation surrounding mental health awareness, stigma reduction, and suicide prevention in California. Learn more about CalMHSA’s programs by watching this video.


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