Client Survey

Client Survey
FSA Program *
Are you attending a group?
If your group is not listed, choose "Other" and enter the details in the next item.

Your evaluation

For each item identified below, circle the number to the right that best fits your judgement. Use the rating scale to select the number, from 7 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree). If the question does not apply to your situation, select n/a.

As a result of the services I received...

1. I am better at handling my daily life
2. I get along better with people in my life
3. I am doing better at work or school
4. I am better able to cope when things go wrong
5. I feel better
6. I feel less isolated
7. I am satisfied with the services I received
8. I got the help I wanted or needed
9. Program staff were sensitive to my cultural and ethnic background
10. Program staff treated me with respect
I would recommend the agency to a friend or family member
Do we have your permission to use your comments on grant applications and/or newsletters?
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