[En Español]
[Clinician Portal]
You may have or know children who need help. They may be having problems at home or in school and may be anxious, depressed, aggressive, hyperactive or engaging in self-harm or bullying. They may be going through a transition, such as a divorce, a death in the family, or are living in a difficult family situation. Our therapists work with the child and family members to learn skills and strategies that will improve mood and functioning. We have convenient locations to serve you in Santa Cruz and Soquel.
We accept Medi-Cal through the Central California Alliance for Health. If you are paying privately, you will be responsible for a portion of the fee based on a sliding scale related to your monthly family income. If you have been referred by one of our partner organizations, please mention them when you call for services and we will waive any intake fees that would be your responsibility.
We welcome members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
In Santa Cruz and Soquel, please call: 831-423-9444
If you would like to refer a client to us, please email us at referrals@fsa-cc.org