If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the signs listed below, please call us immediately— even if you’re not sure.
While some suicides occur without warning, most people who die of suicide show two or more of the following warning signs within two months of their death.
You can also download a printable copy of Warning Signs of Suicide.
Click on any of the warning signs below to expand for more information.
Statements or threats of suicide (direct or hinting)
Preoccupation with death and/or hopelessness
Drug and alcohol use
Giving away prized possessions
Increased isolation
Extreme changes
- Mood—increased hopelessness, anxiety, anger, or the sense of being overwhelmed
- Personality—the person seems different or withdrawn
- Activity level—obvious decrease or increase in activity
- Appetite—eating too much or too little
- Sleep patterns—sleeping too much or too little.
Physical health complaints
Self injury (unexplained cuts/burns, frequent “accidents”, etc.)
Sudden mood elevation
For more information on warning signs, visit suicideispreventable.org.
24-Hour Suicide Crisis Line
Toll-free: 9-8-8
Serving Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties for over 50 years
Calls to the Suicide Crisis Line are confidential, but we are required to report to outside agencies and/or get additional help in certain situations, including immediate risk of suicide or homicide and minor, elder, or dependent adult abuse or neglect.
Las llamadas a Suicide Crisis Line son confidenciales, pero estamos obligados a informar a agencias exteriores y de obtener ayuda adicional en ciertas situaciones, incluyendo riesgo inmediato de suicidio u homicidio al igual que abuso o descuido/abandono de algún menor, anciano y/ó un adulto dependiente.