Imagine Healing Workshop Series

The Imagine Healing Workshop Series aims to provide resources to survivors, allies, practitioners and community members. The workshops focus on retraining the nervous system, healthy relationships, compassionate communication, full embodiment, and creating well-being individually and in the community as a whole.


Throughout the workshops we will learn tools that will help us connect and create a more sustainable sense of personal and community well-being: joy, connection, calm, compassion, contentment. An integral part of creating safer communities is being able to identify strengths that we already hold and build upon these strengths to broaden our personal skill set. We all want to feel heard, understood, safe and nurtured. The Imagine Healing Workshop Series is a meaningful place to start this work.

Becoming A Healing Presence In Your Own Journey

Date and Time
Saturday, February 8 · 10am – 12pm PST

How our brains respond to overwhelming experiences is not personal – it’s what we all share as humans. Part of this human inheritance is the ability to participate in or interfere with allowing our own nervous systems to complete their stress response cycles. When we learn to support this process we bring more balance and ease into our lives. In this workshop, we will explore together the impact of how we respond to our own experience and ways to support deep healing based on neuroscience research. This will be a supportive, nurturing and experiential time of learning to recover our sense of power in our own healing process so we can arrive in a new sense of home inside ourselves.

Beth Austin is a physical therapist, craniosacral and somatoemotional process practitioner with over 30 years of experience. She is a survivor and has recovered from years of chronic health challenges using the Gupta Amygdala retraining program and with support from Survivors Healing Center. She is also now a fully certified Gupta Program Coach and works remotely with small groups and individuals.

Giving Young Children the Nurturing Care They Need

Join Tina McRorie, MA for this 1.5 hour Zoom workshop for parents-to-be and parents of young children

Date and time
Thursday, February 20 · 7:30 – 9pm PST
Register HERE

Do you…

  • Want to have a different kind of relationship with your kids than you had with your parents?
  • Feel unsure of how to meet young children’s needs?
  • Feel nervous about physical contact with your child because you were touched in a hurtful way when you were young?

Join Tina McRorie, MA for this 1.5 hour workshop for parents-to-be and parents of young children and learn…

  • Why babies and young children are so dependent
  • The four emotional needs every child is born with
  • How meeting children’s dependency needs allows them to grow into healthy independence
  • What the attachment relationship is and why its so important for child development
  • How a secure attachment and the parenting behaviors that lead to it can protect children from trauma and abuse

This workshop is part of the Attached at the Heart Parenting Program from Attachment Parenting International.

Suggested donation to Survivors Healing Center: $20

Tina McRorie, MA is a parenting coach for the 21st century. She helps parents follow good science, reevaluate traditions and think outside of boxes. She works to foster healthy development and democratic family structures.

Raising Rebels Parenting Resources:

Resources for 21st century parenting

I am a Certified Attached at the Heart Parenting Educator, personally trained by its creators, API co-founders, Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker.

My life’s mission is to improve the wellbeing and humanity of the next generation through parenting education and support.

If you cannot afford the price of a ticket to this event, please contact us at If you are sustaining, managing well financially or even thriving during this time we invite you to make a donation at to help support us in offering services to those who need it most.